Law Firms Be Interview Ready
14 May, 20235 Mins
If you’re part of a law firm looking for outstanding candidates, how much effort do you put into the interview to convince them you’re worth working for?
The focus of an interview is to determine whether a candidate is the right fit for your firm. But it’s important to remember that any interview is a two-way process. The chances are someone who looks outstanding on paper to you, also appeals to your competition, so ensure you have a plan to convince your potential favourite candidate you’re the firm to choose.
But how?
First, be prepared. Clearly understand your candidate's goals and how they align with your mission and values. Showcase your unique company culture and help candidates understand what it's like to work at the firm.
Do you know your unique selling points? Make sure you sell what makes you attractive to prospective lawyers. Highlight your strengths, success stories and exciting cases.
Have you understood your candidate’s career goals? Discuss career development such as mentorship programs, professional development training, and opportunities for promotion that align with their stated goals. Candidates want to know they will have the right support and resources to advance their career.
Do you have an attractive employment package to offer them? Make sure you have this ready before an interview so you can move quickly with an offer after the interview. Don’t let outstanding candidates get snapped up by your competition at this late stage.
The interview is your time to shine as well as theirs.
Do you find law firms are good at making the most of this interview stage?