Privacy / GDPR Policy


JMC Legal Recruitment Limited is a Limited Company registered at Companies House under company number 10460260. The company’s registered office is at 4th Floor, St Thomas Court, Thomas Lane, Bristol, BS1 6JG.

JMC is a legal recruitment company specialising in identifying candidates with expertise in the legal sector and matching those candidates to suitable businesses. Further information about our business is set out below.

At JMC we are committed to ensuring that we protect the confidential data of our clients (Employers) and Candidates. We will take all necessary steps to ensure that your data is used and processed only in accordance with this policy and as authorised by you from time to time.

This policy together with the terms and conditions of use posted on our business website, record the manner in which JMC obtains, collects uses and stores personal or confidential data about you.

This policy complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) in force from 25 May 2018.

Pursuant to the GDPR, we are required to inform you who the data controller is and in certain instances to elect a Data Protection Officer.

The Data Controller is JMC Legal Recruitment Limited.

JMC has elected to nominate a Data Protection Officer and that is the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, Jason Connolly.

You can contact the Data Protection officer by email at or by telephone, 0203 865 2113.

What does JMC do?

JMC collates data from a wide range of souces in order to operate its business functions. In particular, JMC accesses, utilises and retains data which relates to:-

  1. Potential Candidates, Registered Candidates, Referred Candidates and Candidates placed into positions.

  2. New, Existing or Proposed clients.

  3. Providers of third party services to the business.

  4. Employees and any other party engaged under a contract of service with the company.

What information do we hold about you?

We hold information about you to enable us to fulfil our obligations to you and to meet the needs of our business. This includes information provided by you and information we may obtain from third party publicly accessible platforms.

We may hold the following categories of information about you:-

  1. Personal information you input or you provide to us when registering as a candidate including your date of birth, contact details, nationality, tax details and regulatory history, VISA and/or other immigration status details.

  2. Personal Information you provide to us including but not limited to your employment history, education history, references and such other information as necessary when applying for a position.

  3. Personal data such as name, address and email address when you refer applicants or organisations to us.

  4. Details of your current employment, your billing, your current salary and your reason for leaving a position.

  5. In respect of organisations - details of your business needs, turnover, billing targets, bonus structures, team structures and such other information relating to the organisation necessary to enable us and our candidates to fully understand your business.

  6. Information given during the currency of communications with you both in writing and orally.

Third Party Data

Third party data is information which JMC may have collected about you from open sources which include but are not limited to:-

  1. Facebook

  2. Instagram

  3. Twitter

  4. LinkedIn

  5. Job Boards

  6. Industry Specific Webstes

  7. CV Libraries

  8. Other candidates

  9. Corporate Websites.

Use of Personal Data

JMC respects the confidentiality of all our of clients data and will only use confidential data in accordance with the relevant laws in place from time to time regulating the use of such data.

As part of our commitment to maintaining the confidentiality of your data and ensuring that it is only processed lawfully, we will also take all practical steps to ensure that we maintain high standards of data security in relation to the storage and transfer of any data being held by us in order to prevent its accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data.

We will use your data subject the following rights under the Regulations:-

  1. Your consent to send you marketing emails or text messages about our recruitment service;

  2. In order to perform pursuant to a contract we have in place with you;

  3. Where we have other legitimate interests and the processing of your data is necessary.

JMC will use your data in the following ways:-

  1. To verify your identity.

  2. To comply with our contractual obligations to you and to enable us to manage our contractual relationship with you.

  3. To check the accuracy of the information you have given to JMC.

  4. To assess your suitability for a potential role which you have applied for.

  5. Introducing you to potential candidates in respect of any roles we advertise for you.

  6. To assess your ability to make contractual payments when they fall due.

  7. To market our services to you.

  8. To contact you to make you aware of a role which may interest you or a candidate that may be suited to a specific organisation.

  9. To enforce against old / bad debts.

  10. To keep a record of our dealings with you including records of any interviews you may have attended or conducted and the feedback received. 

  11. To ensure that we comply with any applicable laws.

JMC will only process your data in accordance with its legitimate business interests or those of any of its group companies. Its legitimate business interests are those of a legal recruitment business placing candidates with organisations operating within the legal sector and identifying opportunities for organisations to work together in the legal sector.

In some circumstances, we will ask you to expressly and explicitly consent to the use of your data where such use may not fall within the scope of this policy.

Disclosure of Personal Data

JMC may disclose your personal data in accordance with its contractual obligations, duties or in performance of its role as a Legal Recruitment Agency. Disclosure of personal data may include to:-

  1. Group Companies Associated Companies or Affiliate Companies of JMC.

  2. Our professional advisers as required.

  3. Courts, Government Agencies, Law Enforcement Agencies and Tax Authorities where we are legally obliged to do so.

Transfer of Data outside of the EEA

JMC may transfer your personal data to third parties (including any group companies) located outside of the EEA. If your personal data is transferred to any third party not located within the EEA, JMC will take all reasonable steps as necessary to ensure that adequate protective measures are in place to protect the data to the equivalent standard as if it was in the EEA.

Retaining your Data

It is the Company policy not to retain your data for more than 6 years from the date in which we have last had contact with you unless there is a legal or contractual obligation on us to do so.

This does not affect any of your rights below.

Your Rights

Pursuant to the GDPR, you are entitled at any time to:

  1. Request that the personal data JMC holds about you is rectified (where there is an error) or deleted/erased. A  request to erase or delete data will be complied with only in so far as that request does not conflict with a legal or regulatory obligation imposed on us to retain that data.  

  2. Request that JMC restricts the processing of your data or object to the processing of your data.

  3. Request copies of the personal data JMC holds for you and/or access to it.

  4. Ask how the personal data JMC hold about you is being used.

  5. Withdraw your consent to the processing of your data by making such a request to In relation to any request by you with regards to the restriction, rectification or erasure of your personal data we will communicate that request to any third-party recipient of the data unless that proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort.

  6. Request that your personal data be transferred to an alternative data handler where it is practicable to do so.

Should you wish to exercise any of the above rights, you should do so by making a request in writing to Jason Connolly, the Data Controller set out above. We may retain on record a copy of that request.

You also have a right to complain about any matter relating to JMC’s storage of, access to or use of your confidential data. Complaints should be made to the Information Commissioners Office.

All of your rights under the General Data Protection Regulations can be found here