Keeping it in the family

5 minutes

Do you think nepotism still affects the legal profession?

Workers seeing opportunities given to those with connections not merit can affect job satisfaction and send productivity plunging. A simple case of giving a lawyer’s kid a work experience denies someone else equally capable the same first step on their legal career.  

A recent 2024 survey by Cibyl also found that 38% of recent law graduates believed nepotism and connections were a factor in success. And research by LSE also showed children of lawyers are 17 times more likely to enter the legal profession themselves.

But talent, hard work and drive are still the key qualities that will lead to a successful career in the law, whatever your background. Bristol-born commercial law partner Karl Brown talked to The Law Society about how his route to a successful legal career:

“I didn’t have connections to anyone who worked in law. I went to a comprehensive school, and we weren’t a wealthy family. My background helped make me resilient … In my experience, being different is a positive thing and makes you a more effective solicitor.”

There are now lots of opportunities to pursue a legal career without following a traditional path or relying on connections. You can build up your own network by participating in legal events, join bar associations, and find mentors to support you in the early stages of your career.

At JMC Legal Recruitment, we see how diverse the path to becoming a lawyer can be and encourage everyone to pursue their passion.


Have you seen nepotism in action? If you didn’t have any legal connections, what was your journey to becoming a lawyer like?